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Top 10 tips for buying a website builder package

Posted on 26 October 2011

Here are our top 10 tips of what to look for when you're thinking of buying a  website builder package.  Let us know your experiences, do you have any advice to offer other readers?

1.  Make sure it's WYSIWYG
2.  Don't think that free is best
3.  Get a demo and try it out to make sure it's easy to use
4.  It should have built-in SEO
5.  Google Analytics
6.  Get a list of add-ons to make sure it can expand as your needs grow
7.  Check it can do what you need it to do for your customers
8.  Test out different platforms and feeds
9.  Can it work with my team?
10. Ah yes, but can it...do things you haven't thought of yet?

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